Monday, April 6, 2009

Thing 20-Books 2.0

Wow this was a long one. OK so, will people stop reading books? At our library people still check out a lot of books and if they are reading books online that's still reading. The literacy debate was dumb I thought. As far as libraries checking out Kindles, what library has that kind of money?
I really like the Wired for Books and I like to hear what authors are thinking when they write.
As far as Book Reviews go I've never been fond of critics. Just tell me what it's about and I'll decide if I want to read it or not.
Book Rental: Hey it works for Netflix, why not?
I found Bookcrossing interesting. Release one of your books in the wild. When I lived Boston we had a similar thing on the subway. You would take a book off a shelf at a stop and then return it to any other stop when you were done. You always had something to read on the train then.
Book on my Blackberry? The screen is way too small for me to read, but an audio book would be ok.
I thought that Bookstumpers was very good for the patron who says 'You know that book about that guy.............'. Too bad it costs $2. It's something we could use at the library.
I might sign up for Bookcalender. It gives you an introduction to a different book everyday. I think that would be good for me. It might get me out of the the civil war aisle once in a while.

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