Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thing 22
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thing 21-Student 2.0 Tools
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thing 20-Books 2.0
I really like the Wired for Books and I like to hear what authors are thinking when they write.
As far as Book Reviews go I've never been fond of critics. Just tell me what it's about and I'll decide if I want to read it or not.
Book Rental: Hey it works for Netflix, why not?
I found Bookcrossing interesting. Release one of your books in the wild. When I lived Boston we had a similar thing on the subway. You would take a book off a shelf at a stop and then return it to any other stop when you were done. You always had something to read on the train then.
Book on my Blackberry? The screen is way too small for me to read, but an audio book would be ok.
I thought that Bookstumpers was very good for the patron who says 'You know that book about that guy.............'. Too bad it costs $2. It's something we could use at the library.
I might sign up for Bookcalender. It gives you an introduction to a different book everyday. I think that would be good for me. It might get me out of the the civil war aisle once in a while.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thing 19-Other Social Networks
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thing 18-Facebook/Myspace
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thing 17-Podcasts

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thing 16-Again for the musical fun of it
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thing 15
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thing 13- Library Thing and Update
Well I did get a Library Thing gadget up on my blog but it wasn't my own doing. I tried and tried but kept getting an error message when I tried editing my html like the Library Thing said. My co-worker the saved the day and now it's up there. What he did wasn't what was directed. He went to my blog's layout page and then 'add a gadget' and then scrolled to HTML/Javascript and pasted it into there. I guess. Anyway I really like this Library Thing thing. It's exactly what I need for myself and I think our patrons could really use it for their read-it-already lists. Some are very disappointed that we can't keep track of what they've brought back. I really liked the Library Thing for Libraries. I think our patrons would like to be able to add input into our catalog. Library Thing Local would be very good to replace our paper program guide and include other places around town that we don't know about.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thing 12- Wiki

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thing 11
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thing 10
I thought that this thing was very good. I really like the idea of being able to access my bookmarks anywhere and to share them and see what others have found. I think our library district would really benefit from having a Delicious account so all the librarians could share their finds and maybe have a place where patrons could also add their finds. I signed up with Delicious and marked a couple pages. It was all very easy. Then I looked at Furl and they claim "Say "goodbye" to Page Not Found messages and missing pages. When you Save a page with Furl, it's downloaded and saved to your own personal archive - for keeps. You can view your cached copy, at any time. Even if the source website has been down for years. Now that's archival goodness." How cool is this? I don't know how many times I've looked at old bookmarks to find the page gone. I think I'm going to go with Furl instead of Delicious. I also put some tags on my previous post which was very easy too.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thing 9
Here's a little movie I made with, a really cool 'text to movie' site that I found under 50 Web 2.0 ways to tell a story or vent frustration. My movie isn't just my frustrations but inspired by some of my co-workers and the complaint of lack of time. I had a lot of fun and even though I had a bit of technical problems, the site has a 'contact us' button and they gave me a patch that worked great. They said the problem was on their end and should be fixed shortly. It was great just watching other peoples movies. I think all of this Thing would be a great way to promote library happenings especially to the younger folk through our website. I was having a really difficult time trying to load this from xtranormal to my blog, the links just didn't work, so I uploaded it to youtube. I'm feeling pretty old when I look at all this new technology and realize how I'm just scratching the surface.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thing 8
We use email for a number of different reasons in circ, to notify patron's of reserve items that have come in and overdue items and other things we want to notify them about like you left your cellphone at the library. It's up to the patrons if they want us to notify them in this way. We also use automated and regular phone messages and snailmail.
I used the instant messaging with my husband and I think I could spend too much time using this. It's a lot of fun. I really don't like text messaging and haven't used it. I think it's too impersonal and too hard to read at a glance like a short note would be. I know call me old fashioned.
I listened to the web conference through Opal about the Irish in America. It was interesting and I liked it but it was somewhat distracting with all the instructions going on, 'click this, can you see that?' But it was good and still worth listening to.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thing 7

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Thing 6
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Thing 5-Flickrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thing 4
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thing 3
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thing 2
I really liked the idea of *meeting our users in engaging spaces online* that sounds intriguing- and using the library web page as a tool where *people can make connections and talk to each other*-cool too. I liked the librarian who makes himself available through Myspace.
As far as making ourselves essential to the community-I think we're doing that pretty well at least with the young folk. We're their place to go after school. But not that we can't improve I hope to see that soon and it's all kind of exciting.
As far as having the time to do the 23 things, well if they can still give me some time at work I should be ok.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'm off..........
Ok, I actually created my own blog. How about that? It wasn't hard either. I've never thought about doing one of my own before. Now I just need to fix it up a bit. Maybe add a photo of one of the 23 cows. Maybe the rest won't be so hard.